microblading tattoo removal

Microblading Tattoo Removal: How It Works and What It Costs

“Curious about microblading tattoo removal? Find out how it works, what it costs, and if it’s worth it for you in this easy guide!”

Sometimes, our brows don’t turn out as we wanted. Maybe the microblading didn’t go as planned, or your style has changed over time.

That’s okay—mistakes happen! Microblading tattoo removal can get you back to the brows you love.

Knowing how it works and what it costs is helpful before you decide.

In this post, we’ll cover everything you need to know about microblading tattoo removal. We’ll go over how it works, the different methods, what to expect during your sessions, and, of course, what it will cost.

Let’s get started and see how you can get your brows back to what you want!

What is Microblading Tattoo Removal?

Microblading has become a trend for perfect brows. It’s a semi-permanent tattooing technique where tiny strokes are added to your brows to mimic natural hairs.

If you’ve searched “microblading near me” you’ve probably seen this beauty trend all over social media.

But what if you’re not happy with your microblading or just want a change?

There are many reasons someone might want to remove their microblading. Maybe the color turned out too dark or didn’t match their hair.

Others might find the shape doesn’t suit their face anymore. Beauty trends can change fast, and what looked great a year ago might feel old now.

Here are a few common reasons people seek removal:

  • Color fading or changing: Sometimes, the color fades unevenly or changes to a color you don’t like.
  • Shape dissatisfaction: A shape that seemed perfect at first starts to feel off.
  • Regret over a decision: We get caught up in trends and later wish we had done something different.

Personal preferences can change as fast as fashion trends. Today’s perfect brows might not be tomorrow’s look.

How Microblading Tattoo Removal Works?

There are a few methods people can use to remove microblading. The most common are laser removal and saline solutions.

Let’s go over how each works and what to expect.

a). Laser Removal

It involves using a special laser that targets the pigment in the ink. The laser breaks apart the pigment so your body can remove it.

First, the technician will clean the area and apply a numbing cream. Then, they’ll use the laser to zap the ink. Finally, they might apply a soothing ointment to help with recovery.

The procedure takes about 30 minutes to about 60 minutes, depending on how much needs to be taken off. Most people say it feels like a rubber band hitting their skin.

Recovery takes about 4 to 6 weeks, but you may need multiple sessions to achieve the results you want.

b). Saline Removal

This involves using a saline solution to extract the pigment from the skin. It’s a more gentle method than laser. Just like laser removal, the technician will clean the area and apply numbing cream.

They’ll then use a tattoo machine to insert the saline solution into the skin, which will pull the ink out. After the session, they’ll apply a healing ointment. This method takes about the same time as laser removal and may require a couple of sessions, too.

Many say it’s less intense than laser, but everyone’s pain threshold is different. Recovery is usually the same: a few weeks.

Whether you choose laser removal or saline, both methods are effective for microblading tattoo removal. Just remember, aftercare is crucial! Take care of your skin to help it heal.

For those looking for the best tips and tricks of the profession, talking to your technician can give you personalized advice on how to keep your brows looking great post-removal.

What to Expect During the Process

So you’ve decided to get microblading tattoo removal. What happens during a session?

Let’s go over the steps, so you know what to expect.

a). Before Your Session

  • Consultation: You’ll start with a consultation where your technician will evaluate your microblading and discuss the best removal method for you.
  • Prep Work: On the day of your session, Your technician will clean the area and put on some numbing cream. This will help with any discomfort during the procedure.

b). During the Session

  • Treatment: Depending on the method, the treatment will involve a laser or a saline solution. For laser, you’ll feel short bursts of heat or a rubber band snapping. For saline, it’s like getting your brows scrubbed.
  • Time: Each session takes about 20-30 minutes.

c). After the Treatment

  • Care Instructions: Your technician will give you aftercare instructions. This usually includes applying a soothing ointment and avoiding certain activities like swimming or excessive sweating.
  • Healing: Expect some redness and minor swelling right after. This is normal and should go away within a few days.

d). Pre-Treatment and Post-Treatment Tips

  • Drink plenty of water: Be sure you stay hydrated before your session.
  • Avoid Makeup: Skip applying makeup on your brows before the appointment.
  • Follow Instructions: Stick to the aftercare routine to get the best results.

Overall, it’s a pretty simple process. Just remember, patience is key—good things take time!

Costs Involved

When considering microblading tattoo removal, it’s important to know the costs involved. Different methods have different price points.

Here’s a breakdown:

  • Laser Removal: This method usually costs between $200 to $500 per session. Most people need at least two to three sessions for the best results so that the total can add up quickly.
  • Saline Removal: This tends to be a bit less expensive, ranging from $150 to $350 per session. Like with laser removal, you might need a few sessions to see significant changes.

Several factors can impact these prices. Location for one. If you’re in a big city, you may pay more than in a small town.

The technician’s experience also matters. Someone with years of experience may charge more but often get better results.

Cost Comparison: Microblading Tattoo Removal vs Initial Microblading

When comparing the cost of microblading tattoo removal to getting your brows done initially, there are some key differences to consider.

The cost of the initial microblading procedure is usually $400-$800. This includes the consultation and the session where you get your brows done.

Microblading tattoo removal varies depending on the method. Laser removal costs $200-$500 per session, and you may need two to three sessions to achieve the best results.

Saline removal is a bit less, $150-$350 per session.

Here’s why it might be more or less:

  • Number of Sessions: Sometimes removal requires more sessions than the initial microblading. If your brows were heavily done, you may need extra visits to get them just right.
  • Method: The technique used also impacts the cost. Laser removal is more expensive because of the technology involved, and saline removal is more budget-friendly.

It’s frustrating to think about paying for removal after spending on microblading, but it’s all about getting the brows you want!

Also, consider the number of sessions you’ll need. If your microblading is stubborn, it may take extra visits, which will add to your overall cost.

As for insurance, most plans won’t cover microblading tattoo removal since it’s considered cosmetic. But always check with your provider to see if they offer any coverage.

Expected Results and Aftercare

After microblading tattoo removal, you can expect to see some results. You’ll start to see results after the first session, but the full effect may take a few weeks.

Many people notice their brows lighten significantly. If you have had laser removal, it will take 4-6 weeks for your skin to heal and for the pigment to fade.

If you did saline removal, you’ll see results sooner but may need follow-up sessions to get the look you want.

Aftercare is key. Here’s what to do:

  • Keep the area clean: Use a gentle cleanser to wash your brows without scrubbing too hard.
  • No makeup: Give your skin a break, and don’t put any makeup on your brows for at least a week.
  • Stay out of the sun: Being exposed to the sun can irritate your skin and affect healing, so wear a hat or use sunscreen.

As with any procedure, there can be some side effects or discomfort. You may:

  • Swelling: Your skin may swell a little after the session.
  • Redness: Some redness is normal but should go away in a few hours.
  • Mild pain: A little sting or ache is common but goes away quickly.

Following these care tips can help ensure you achieve the best results and keep your brows looking great!

Bottom Line

Decisions about your body are big, and knowing your options for microblading tattoo removal is important.

Now you know how it works and what it costs so you can make the right choice for you.

You can always change your mind about your brows! If you’re thinking about removal, reach out to a pro who can walk you through the process.

Beauty trends come and go, and sometimes, trying new things is part of the journey.

Here’s to new beginnings and brows that make you happy!

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